What is PH360?
Ph360 Epigenetic Profiling is an incredibly powerful and innovative tool for personalised health, one that truly
has the capacity to reshape how our society understands the role of epigenetic at an individual level.
Based on dozens of modern and traditional scientific domains - it uses complex algorithms developed to translate
the distinct relationship between what your body looks like on the outside (phenotype), AND your genetic coding (genotype).
Phenotypic expressions form “trends” where similar groups of genes express themselves in similar ways. We call them
“Bio Trends”... These form “Bio Types”... Or what we call “HEALTH TYPES”.
Based on this understanding of your unique HealthType you can learn very specific ways to AMPLIFY your Genius,
OPTIMISE your Health and LIVE your Fullest Potential.
In short - what's the secret for you to find Ease and Flow in your unique mind and body.
In the actual profiling assessment, ph360 uses anthropometry (scientific assessment of your body’s measurements/ratios),
family history, and assessment of your lifestyle and environment to determine your phenotypical and genotypical profile.
There is no expensive genetic testing of saliva or blood- just using a simple tape measure.
Understanding the key needs of your Health type is just the start... the ph360 personalised platform will be shared via the ph360 website and app a wide range of personalised recommendations for you from food, movement, lifestyle, recommendations on optimal timing for meals, activities & relationship insights!
Plus KEY tools for how your brain and body are wired for decision-making, communication, stress, leadership, creativity,
flow - its like a cheat sheet to unpacking your personal success and happiness!
My Background
My passion is to help people ultimately learn about their unique selves, being mindful of what makes them feel great and what doesn’t, and discover the choices that will help them thrive.
Hello, I'm Diana Hardwick-Smith and I'm a Director at Ph360 Health Coach. I'm also a qualified Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Registered Nurse.
My career as a Health Practitioner began in Nursing and Midwifery. I then went on to do a Naturopathic and Medical Herbalist Diploma, graduating from both in 1993. I qualified in Natural Fertility and Preconception Care in 2001.
I ran my own Naturopath Practice at home in Devonport and then Glendowie, while I brought up my 2 children. During this time I also spent 18 months working with Natural Hormone Therapy (NHT) at different Medical Centres around Auckland and 12 years as an Intravenous Vitamin C Nurse in Auckland.
Having worked with Functional medicine testing and prescribing supplements, herbs and live style changes in my naturopathic capacity for 25 years, I then was introduced to ph360 (personalised health based on genetics and epigenetics) which changed my world.
I subsequently retrained as a ph360 health coach and have never looked back. Working along the lines of ph360 principles, the results speak for themselves, and providing more affordable and sustainable treatment plans.
The co founder of ph360 Dr Matt Reimann stated: